Chicken Packs

I don't always do a big shopping trip in advance for every meal, Like many of you, the menu is shaped according to what we have at home. I try to be very careful, especially to avoid wasting food. Today, I wanted to make something with the vegetables left in the fridge, which are too few to be a meal on their own. Actually, there was a recipe I had been thinking about for a while. I was hesitating whether to take a little trouble and make it with dough or whether to take the easy way out and use baking paper. But I was having a lazy day, so the baking paper won the battle this time. So not only to make use of what was left at home, but also to make a delicious and satisfying chicken with vegetables in the oven, which was delicious enough to be an invitation dinner.
Ingredient List: (4 Persons)
- 6 boneless drumsticks
- 3 tablespoons of yogurt
- 4 tablespoons of olive oil/fat 6 boneless drumsticks
- 3 tablespoons of yogurt
- 4 tablespoons of olive oil/fat
- 1 teaspoon of red sweet chili powder
- 1 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 red onion (cut into half-moon pieces)
- 2 carrots (grated)
- 1 capia pepper (finely chopped)
- 1 bell pepper/carliston pepper (finely chopped)
- 6-7 mushrooms (finely chopped)
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 4 slices of mozzarella cheese
- 3-4 cocktail tomatoes (sliced)
- 2 medium potatoes (thinly sliced)
Wash and dry the chicken with a paper towel and cut into cubes. Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil, yogurt, salt, black pepper, red pepper in a large bowl, add the diced chicken, mix until homogenous and let it marinate for 1 hour.
Meanwhile, put the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a pan and heat it. Add onion, then grated carrot and other vegetables into the pan and saute for a while. You do not need to cook it too much as it will also go in the oven
.Place cut pieces of greaseproof paper into the compote bowl, place a slice of mozzarella cheese, 2-3 sliced tomatoes on it, add 1 scoop of marinated chicken pieces on it, then add lightly sauteed vegetables. Place 1-2 potato slices as the last layer.
Wrap them with the paper in a bundle and place it upside down on the baking tray.
Bake in an oven heated to 190 degrees for 30 minutes. Served with rice pilaf.