Daphe's London

There is an old Turkish saying which goes like "Just tell me what you have seen, never mind what you have eaten or drunk!" This was asked of people who travelled to far-away lands in the past when there were no means to record such far-away lands. I for my part would like to share with you not only those places I have seen but also all the flavours I have tasted . Dining has always been a pleasure for me, ever since I was a child. I have considered the act of eating not only to satisfy my hunger, also as a means to discover new flavours and new recipes. To add, improve and to contribute to the recipes in order to enhance the flavour of the dish has always been a challenge for me. I do believe that cuisine is a form of art. Presentation and visual appeal is as important as taste in food. A harmonious table is one that appeals to eyes as well as to our gastronomic senses .
A person with a sophisticated palatial taste , a refined taste is called a ' gourmet'. You may be considered a gourmet if you can tell the difference between the recipes of the same dish eaten at home or at a restaurant or abroad or in your own country. Needles to say you have to develop a wide knowledge of wine along with this: when to serve wine, what type to serve with which meal etc. Table decoration is another aspect of entertaining guests. Guessing the spice types in dishes needs finesse.
As I start this new section , I feel very happy to be able to share with you my encounters with interesting people, my experiences in new places and my delight in tasting new delicacies.
May your table abound in pleasure, wealth and taste!