Hünkar Beğendi / Sultan's Delight

Hünkar Beğendi is a traditional Turkish dish. Dates back to the Ottoman Empire. It is lamb stew served on a bed of creamy roasted eggplant puree. Hünkar Beğendi literally translates as 'the sultan enjoyed it'. The name of this dish has a story behind it. In 1867, Sultan Abdülaziz visits France and in return he invites Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Eugénie of France to visit Istanbul. Due to the Emperor's busy schedule only Eugiene accepts the invitation and brings her chef cook with her while visiting İstanbul. They are accomadated at Beylerbeyi palace.
In her honor, the sultan orderes his chefs to create a special dish. The French cook starts cooking with the Turkish cooks at Beylerbeyi Palace. As he is preparing the bechamel sauce, the Turkish cook is charring eggplants for the guests. He is very interested in the 'bechamel sauce'. All of a sudden he comes with the idea that if two were mixed it would make a delightful dish and so he does. After tasting many of the dishes that his chefs prepared, this new creation quickly becomes the Sultan's favorite. ‘Hünkar beğendi’ (‘The sultan liked it’) was thus named and served to the Empress.
- 1 1/2 lbs chopped lamb meat (lamb shoulder or lamb shank cut into 1 inch chunks)
- 20 shallots
- 2-3 garlic cloves
- 3 tbsps of butter
- 1 tbsp flour
- 1/2 a cup of tomato puree
- 1 tbsp capsicum paste
- 1 1/2 cups hot water
- salt
- 1 tsp peppercorns
- chopped parsley for garnish
Eggplant Puree:
- 1 jar puréed roasted eggplants
- or 4/5 fresh eggplants + 1/2 lemon juice
- 2 tbsps flour
- 3 tbsps butter
- 2 cups cold milk
- salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 1/3 cup grated hard mature cheese
How To:
Sauté the shallots, garlic cloves and peppercorns gently in the butter until soft. Add the meat to the onions, stirring until evenly browned. Add the capsicum paste, stir and when these are sizzling add the tomato puree, flour, salt and continue stirring until all are mixed.
Add the hot water. Cover and let simmer until the meat is tender. Add a little more hot water if needed.
If using fresh eggplants; Prick the eggplants with a sharp knife and place them on gas burner or under broiler turning them frequently until eggplant collapses and the skin is charred, then peel eggplants and discard stems. Mash the eggplant with the back of a fork in a bowl and mix with lemon juice. Set aside.
Melt the butter on low heat. Add flour and stir constantly to make a roux on low heat. Slowly add one part of the milk, whisking thoroughly to get a smooth consistency, and simmer for 4-5 mins.
Add the pureed eggplant and the rest of the milk, a little salt and freshly ground black pepper, mix well and simmer gently for another 5 mins. Remove from heat, stir in the cheese and simmer gently for another 2 mins.
Make a bed on a plate with the eggplant puree and place the meat on top. Garnish with chopped parsley.
Bon Apetit!