Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate mousse is a great dessert for me whenever I am entertaining because it looks pretty, most luscious and chocolaty and you can make it a day ahead of time.This recipe is classic French because it uses raw eggs, therefore use the freshest eggs you can get your hands on.
The flavor of the mousse greatly depends on good chocolate, so use a good brand; you wont regret it.
- 1-1/2 cups bitter chocolate
- 1-1/4 cups whipping cream
- 3 tablespoons orange liquer
- 4 eggs (yolks and whites seperated)
- 1/3 cup+1 tablespoon caster sugar
- 1/2 cup cream (extra)
- 2 tablespoons orange rind
- 1 teaspoon caster sugar and a pinch of salt (for whipping egg whites)
How To:
Finely chop bitter chocolate into small pieces in a food processor. Heat cream in a small pot, when it reaches the boiling point remove from heat and slowly pour over the chocolate. Add orange liquer. Run the processor until you have a smooth mixture. Transfer them into a large bowl. Let cool until the chocolate is just slightly warmer than body temperature.
In a bowl large enough to sit securely on the saucepan of simmering water, whisk the yolks of the eggs with the sugar for about 3 minutes until the mixture is thick, like runny mayonnaise. Stir the egg yolk mixture into the chocolate mixture. add orange rinds.
Place a mixing bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes. Whip the extra cream in this bowl until firm. Fold in the whipped cream to the chocolate mixture.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with the salt until frothy. Continue to beat until they start to hold their shape. Whip in the tablespoon of sugar and continue to beat until thick and shiny, but not completely stiff. Fold one-third of the beaten egg whites into the chocolate mixture, then fold in the remainder of the whites just until incorporated, avoid overdoing. Mousse may lose volume.
When the whites are almost completely incorporated, place the mousse in a deep serving dish or in individual goblets, cover and refrigerate for approximately 1 hour or until set. Best when it sits overnight. Garnish with whipped cream, chocolate or puréed fruit when serving.